
  1. Colby, Helen, Deidre Popovich, and Tony Stovall (2024), “How Much Information Is Too Much? An Experimental Examination of How Information Disclosures May Unintentionally Encourage the Withholding of Health Information,” forthcoming in Medical Decision Making.
  2. Popovich, Deidre (2024), "How to Treat Missing Data in Survey Research," forthcoming in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. doi:10.1080/10696679.2024.2376052
  3. Amaro, Emilia, Jordan Rodriguez, Deziree Jackson, Deidre Popovich, Kelli Frias, and Ernesto Castañeda (2024), "The Impact of Cultural Health Capital on Market Choice Along the Texas-Mexico Border," Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 11, 1139-1151. doi:10.1007/s40615-023-01593-7
  4. Popovich, Deidre and Kelli Frias (2023), "Examining Legislation and Trends in Healthcare Pricing: A Research Agenda for Consumer Well-Being," Journal of Consumer Affairs, 57 (3), 1453-1481. doi:10.1111/joca.12551
  5. Popovich, Deidre and Natalia Velikova (2023), "The Impact of Nutrition Labeling on Consumer Perceptions of Wine," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 40 (6), 748-757. doi:10.1108/JCM-09-2020-4101
  6. Wallach, Karen Anne and Deidre Popovich (2023), "When Big Is Less Than Small: Why Dominant Brands Lack Authenticity in Their Sustainability Initiatives," Journal of Business Research, 158, 113694. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113694
  7. Wallach, Karen Anne and Deidre Popovich (2023), "Cause Beneficial or Cause Exploitative? Using Joint Motives to Increase Credibility of Sustainability Efforts," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 42 (2), 187-202. doi:10.1177/07439156221138755
  8. Iacobucci, Dawn, Deidre Popovich, Sangkil Moon, and Sergio Román (2023), "How to Calculate, Use, and Report Variance Explained Effect Size Indices and Not Die Trying," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33 (1), 45-61. doi:10.1002/jcpy.1292
  9. Iacobucci, Dawn and Deidre Popovich (2022), "Studying Healthcare from a Marketing Perspective," Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 15 (2), 86-152. doi:10.1561/1700000071
  10. Popovich, Deidre and Ryan Hamilton (2021), "Intermediate Choice Lists: How Product Attributes Influence Purchase Likelihood in a Self-Imposed Delay," Journal of Retailing, 97 (2), 251-266. doi:10.1016/j.jretai.2020.07.002
  11. Popovich, Deidre and Ryan Hamilton (2021), "Do Wish Lists Work?," Rutgers Business Review, 6 (1), 51-56.
  12. Frias, Kelli, Deidre Popovich, Dale Duhan, and Robert F. Lusch (2020), "Perceived Market Risk in New Ventures: A Study of Early-Phase Business Angel Investment Screening," Journal of Macromarketing, 40 (3), 339-354. doi:10.1177/0276146720926637
  13. Popovich, Deidre, Tim Vogus, Dawn Iacobucci, and J. M. Austin (2020), "Are Hospital Ratings Systems Transparent? An Examination of Consumer Reports and The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade," Health Marketing Quarterly, 37 (1), 41-57. doi:10.1080/07359683.2020.1713578
  14. Frias, Kelli and Deidre Popovich (2020), "An Experiential Approach to Teaching Mixed Methods Research," Journal of Education for Business, 95 (3), 193-205. doi:10.1080/08832323.2019.1627995
  15. Frias, Kelli and Deidre Popovich (2020), "Bridging Marketing and STEM Education: Cross-Functional Teamwork for New Product Development." In Preparing Students for Community-Engaged Scholarship in Higher Education, edited by Aaron S. Zimmerman. pp. 284-305. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2208-0.ch014
  16. Popovich, Deidre and Erika Brooks-Hurst (2019), "Assessing the Perceived Effectiveness of a Marketing Research Service Learning Project: The MR-SL Scale," Marketing Education Review, 29 (3), 164-181. doi:10.1080/10528008.2019.1621679
  17. Iacobucci, Dawn, Rebecca McBride, Deidre Popovich, and Maria Rouziou (2018), "Confidence Intervals for Assessing Sizes of Social Network Centralities," Social Networking, 7 (4), 220-242. doi:10.4236/sn.2018.74017
  18. Iacobucci, Dawn, Rebecca McBride, Deidre Popovich, and Maria Rouziou (2017), "In Social Network Analysis, Which Centrality Index Should I Use?: Theoretical Differences and Empirical Similarities among Top Centralities," Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 8 (2), 72-99. doi:10.2458/v8i2.22991
  19. Iacobucci, Dawn, Rebecca McBride, and Deidre Popovich (2017), "Eigenvector Centrality: Illustrations Supporting the Utility of Extracting More Than One Eigenvector to Obtain Additional Insights into Networks and Interdependent Structures," Journal of Social Structure, 18 (2), 1-22.
  20. Popovich, Deidre (2017), "Behavioral and Lifestyle Influences on Reported Calorie Intake: A Latent Class Model," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34 (3), 214-225. doi:10.1108/JCM-06-2016-1849
  21. Iacobucci, Dawn, Matthew Schneider, Deidre Popovich, and Georgios Bakamitsos (2017), "Mean Centering, Multicollinearity, and Moderators in Multiple Regression: The Reconciliation Redux," Behavior Research Methods, 49 (1), 403-404. doi:10.3758/s13428-016-0827-9
  22. Iacobucci, Dawn, Matthew Schneider, Deidre Popovich, and Georgios Bakamitsos (2016), "Mean-Centering Helps Alleviate Micro but not Macro Multicollinearity," Behavior Research Methods, 48 (4), 1308-1317. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0624-x. Featured in the Atlas of Science.
  23. Iacobucci, Dawn, Deidre Popovich, Georgios Bakamitsos, Steven Posavac, and Frank Kardes (2015), "Three Essential Analytical Techniques for the Behavioral Marketing Researcher: Median Splits, Mean-Centering, and Mediation Analysis," Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 9 (2), 83-174. doi:10.1561/1700000038
  24. Iacobucci, Dawn, Steven Posavac, Frank Kardes, Matthew Schneider, and Deidre Popovich (2015), "The Median Split: Robust, Refined, and Revived," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (4), 690-704. doi:10.1016/j.jcps.2015.06.014
  25. Iacobucci, Dawn, Steven Posavac, Frank Kardes, Matthew Schneider, and Deidre Popovich (2015), "Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of the Statistical Properties of a Median Split," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (4), 652-665. doi:10.1016/j.jcps.2014.12.002